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Unyime-Ivy King on Africa, Success and Overcoming Failure.

Unyime-Ivy King on Africa, Success and Overcoming Failure

Unyime Ivy-King is an exceptional writer and publisher.

Her passion for writing has opened great doors for her and has taken her through several media houses. This Akwa-Ibom born Nigerian, is determined to make a great change in Africa through her inspiring works.

In this interview, the prolific writer shares her deep secrets and life changing tips. Her latest work of fiction “Burning Hurt” is a must-read for anyone who desires to make a difference especially through creative writing.

WARNING!!!! The content of this interview is life changing!!!!!

You chose to make a difference in Africa because…

Unyime:  I believe that I was created by God and situated in this continent to fulfill a unique purpose. It was not an accident of birth that brought me into existence in Africa. Because of this, I believe that my life should count in some way, and in pursing my divinely ordained purpose, I should affect lives positively, thus contributing in my own little way to the overall betterment of our society. Charity, it is said, begins from home. That is why my business is located here, even though it has a global outlook.

What is your most important tip for remaining successful?

Consistency in your chosen field, teachability and humility.

If you could change one thing about your life/past, what would it be?

I would have started publishing my books much earlier. I began to write from the nursery school and had dozens of stories on numerous notepads, which disappeared with the passage of time, as we moved from one house to the other, with my parents. I wish I had gotten them published, or even preserved them better. I would have been an author many times over by now. However, I have started and it is not too late to do what I have always wanted to do.

How do you keep motivated in the face of failure/disappointment?

By focusing on the fact that failure or disappointment is not a permanent state of being. It will come to pass, so I focus on the results I hope to achieve.

Time-management tips?

Drawing up a schedule of activities for the goals I want to accomplish/asking for, and accepting help from others.

What are the best ways to translate dreams to reality?

Prayer, Study and action. After you have prayed, received direction and researched extensively, you need to work on the implementation in small, measurable steps. Little drops of water it is said, make a mighty ocean.

What is your biggest achievement to date?

Publishing my novel, Burning Hurt, which is the actualization of a childhood dream, and incorporating my Communications/publishing firm-Heritage Treasure Trove Communications Ltd.

How do you remain relevant in your industry, year after year?

I see myself as only just starting, but one of the things I invest in, is training in my field of interest. I research, and try to keep abreast of trends as it affects my industry.

If you were President for a day…

One day is not enough to make any meaningful impact, but If I had the opportunity, I would approve funds to be pumped into the educational, medical, and energy sectors to beef up existing facilities and replace faulty ones so that after the one day is over, the effect can still be felt to an extent.

UNYIME-IVY_KINGnaira land forum

Thank you for sharing Unyime. Finally, Nigeria and Africa will truly rise when…

  …the family unit comes into her own and begins to bring up/train strong, responsible and upright young men and women, who in turn will birth strong, and responsible nations and continent. We cannot rise beyond the level to which the family unit rises because everyone in Nigeria and Africa today, is a product of the family unit.

To contact Unyime:

email –

Twitter: @unyimek @burning hurt @httc11

Skype: unyimek

Have you been inspired by this interview? Please drop a comment and let us know.

Jennifer Nkem-Eneanya
Jennifer Nkem-Eneanya
5 Things You Didn't Know About Jennifer in 2015: 1. Her newest collection of short stories, 'The Curious Case of the Small Pikin & Other Stories' is available on 2. She ported from Blogger to WordPress and shares her uncensored thoughts on 3. She is an aspiring Filmmaker & Talk-show Host[ess] 4. She's a mother of two, wife of one and daughter of God. 5. She plans to travel around the world in less than 80 days... Now you Know! Find me on Twitter: @jennynkem

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  1. Like engineers authors never cease to amaze me. The way authors Like Uyime-Ivy King captivate our attention to societal ills, definitely provokes a call for action to make a reasonable difference to quench ‘burning hurt(s)’.

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