Twitter user and educationist Brenda McWilson Okorogba, using the handle @MomentsWithBren writes on the available opportunities for 20 free online courses with certificates which will help set you on the right path for career advancement.
1.Psychological. First Aid – https://learn.nctsn.org/login/index.php
2. FEMA training (Emergency Management) – https://training.fema.gov/is/
3. CPR certification – http://firstaidweb.com
4. Hazmat training (Hazardous materials) – https://extweb.missouri.edu/courses/default.aspx?courseid=103
5. Free Excel Training (No certificate) – https://excelexposure.com
7. Hubspot Inbound Sales and Marketing – https://app.hubspot.com/signup/academy/join-hubspot?exp-id=inbound-certification&utm_source=cert-listing
8. NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) – https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/explorer
9. Cyber Security and IT – https://cybrary.it
10. GenM Marketing lessons and courses – https://genm.co
11. Scrum Project Management – https://scrumstudy.com/certification/scrum-fundamentals-certified
12. Health and Safety – https://training.dss.un.org
13. Salesforce Trailheads CRM management (Customer Relationship Management) – https://trailhead.salesforce.com
14. Google Digital Garage (Search to Social Media) – https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/digitalgarage/
15. Project Management – https://pmi.org/certifications
16. Google G Suite Administrator – https://cloud.google.com/certification/gsuite-administrator
17. Active Listener (Online Therapy) – https://7cups.com/listener/becomeListener.php
18. SQL certification (Coding) – https://w3schools.com/sql/sql_quiz.asp
19. Cybrary Build your cyber security or IT career, for free. Get free training, then land your next job. https://cybrary.it
20. Find free online courses from top schools around the world. http://Noexcuselist.com
Which of these 20 free online courses with certificates would you go for? Don’t delay!