Friday, January 24, 2025
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Kizito’s Blog: The Entrepreneur in Heels

“She considers a new field before she buys or accepts it, expanding prudently and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming other duties;with her savings of time and strength she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard.”-Proverbs 31:16

The general perception of entrepreneurship is usually that of suede shoes and well polished black brogues. However another type does exist,one that we are aware of. It usually comes in flats and heels of different sizes with varying colours; red being the colour of choice. This piece isn’t about shoes but about a particular group of people who wear them.


We have witnessed the growing influence of women and the dynamic ways they have helped in shaping our culture. Their influence are felt both in the realm of the meals and that of the bills. This is a welcome development with bottom line positive macro economic effect. Entrepreneurship isn’t for everybody like I said in a post at the beginning of the year but everybody can add value no matter their station. What is entrepreneurship without creating or adding value? Try soup without salt ! In adding value, the entrepreneur on heels should know that:

1) BIG GIRLS DO CRY: My apology to Fergie fans but the fact of life is that big girls do cry. Things do go awry but awry doesn’t need to be your favorite qualifier. You can rise above awry and do a wow even when it doesn’t look feasible. You can allow your tear ducts carry out their proprietary function but don’t let the tap loose for long otherwise you could have a drowning situation to contend with. The real big girls wipe their tears off and get going.

2) WORTH IS EVERYTHING: Who are you? What do you bring to the table? That you are being treated the way you are in that establishment you work for at the moment is a function of your worth and it’s general perception. It’s time for some self introspection. Have you been giving off the wrong vibes? Have you been meddling with phrases like- not-good-enough,anyhow-‘sha’; you catch the drift right? If you feel you deserve better then go ahead and do just that-better!

3) OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND: Enough of the scarcity mentality!! We pride ourselves most times as evangelists of the negative,without even getting paid for our vituperations. “The economy is terrible!”, “business isn’t moving these days o” and other similar ‘honest’ remarks colour our view. However honest these views maybe, they are half truths and are usually our well prepared cushion of excuse for our knowledge deficit or incompetence. Let these words of an opportunist give you the right perspective- “You are in the right place at the right time. Don’t just sit back and watch opportunities pass you.”-Nimi Akinkugbe.

The Entrepreneur in Heels

4) FEAR NOT! : Elizabeth Holmes feared needles growing up as a kid. However,fear melts at the presence of righteous and unabashed resolve to try. Hence, the key ingredient that would turn her fear of needles to a world class biotech company, Theranos, was birthed. She is one of the youngest female billionaires in the world at the moment and she hasn’t clocked 35 yet.

5) LEGACIES ARE US: Earth isn’t our final destination. I believe in a here after, you should too. A sense of the ‘big next’ shouldn’t be laced with fear but rather with joy. It should give credence to all you strive and pursue here on earth unless you are pursuing the wrong things. Take the litmus test and see what direction you are headed. There is still some time to recalibrate if the results astound you.

Here’s to all the hardworking and immensely talented female folks out there doing great things, we await your phenomenal results!

Kizito Okorowu
Kizito Okorowu
Okorowu Kizito is an entrepreneurship/start up enthusiast with a deep seated passion for small businesses and an ardent crusader for their rise to large corporation status. Currently, He volunteer with Pro-Youth NGOs and faith based organizations.

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  1. Wow!!! So Inspiring and touchy. This is a clarion call for the women folks to get up. For the ones who are still waiting for a man to come and “wife them” without adding values to peoples lives, remember, we all are helpmeet to him. So why not start now to help yourself rather than waiting to be a liability, you can decide now to be a valuable asset to him, your family and to the society at large. The time starts now!!!

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