Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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People of Purpose

“And as they went up the hill to the City, they found young maidens going out to draw water, and said unto them, Is the Seer here? And they answered them, and said, He; Behold he is before you…”(1 Samuel 9 vs 11-12). That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional Today.

STREAMS OF JOY(_) Pastor Jerry Eze People of PurposeIt is instructive to note that Saul needed to meet Samuel before he could get the news of the recovery of his father’s asses. He also needed to meet Samuel before he was anointed as King of Israel. Saul had a purpose to achieve; he had a height to attain; he had a destination to arrive at; he had a level he needed to step into; and meeting Prophet Samuel was central to his mission.

Notice that for Saul to meet Samuel, he needed the help of some young maidens who were going to fetch water. The Young maidens weren’t idle themselves. They were on a mission themselves. The Young maidens who helped Saul were on a Mission to fetch water. They seemed to be passionate about their purpose of fetching water. Put differently, for Saul to achieve his own purpose, he needed people who had a purpose.

Friend, as a new working week begins, Please note, as you run the race of destiny, you need to run with people who are running with purpose. If you wish to hit your target, you need to associate with people who are already doing something to hit their own target. If you want to stay focused,then stay close and associate with people who are focused. If you wish to fulfill Purpose,relate with Purpose-driven people!

Just like Saul who a purpose in mind came in contact with the Young maidens who were also on a Purposeful mission to fetch water, and they pointed the way forward for Saul: the people of purpose you come in contact with will help you move forward!

Pray with me, “Lord, as I run the race of destiny, bring me people of purpose who will shorten my Journey”.

Have a Fruitful Monday and a Highly Rewarding week!

Love you loads!

Pastor Jerry Eze
Pastor Jerry Ezehttp://www.jerryeze.com
He is the dynamic Founder and President of the fast-growing Streams of Joy Ministries. A seasoned Pastor and Leader, a consummate conference speaker and leadership coach. PJ is also the author and publisher of the bestselling Streams of Joy Daily Devotional. Find out more about him on www.jerryeze.com

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