Mensahs Business School

As part of every business, long term growth is the preparation to move outside the current boundary and gain the opportunity to exhibit products and services worldwide. Strategic planning, branding, quality, excellent product and services among others are some of the critical factors that should not be compromised. Going global means competing with other internationally recognized brands, companies and other businesses that have left indelible marks in their line of operation. These are a few tips to exploit in pursuit of a global brand>>>

Stabilize Your Local Turf: For your business to compete with international brands and gain recognition in the global business ecosystem, it has to be grounded firmly and deeply in the country where the business operates. This means your business can withstand any environment and operate to an appreciable level without going bankrupt. In terms of tax and other statutory obligations, the company should be faultless and flawless. Building on your local grounds sets you on the business map and like any edifice, the foundation has to be strong to prevent it from collapsing in the future. Another reason why you should be stabilized in your region is that, it gets scouted easily when a research has to be conducted from your country.

Research and Development Studies: Now the foundation on which to put your edifice is ready. A thorough research on the market and analysis of the industry should be taken into consideration. A tech start-up company cannot research into the fashion industry. The company should also look out for its competitors, those who have made it and those who are on their way. One thing to consider is that your business should not denigrate other start-ups as is common in the marketplace. They can capitalize on your weaknesses and “attack” you.  Researching on the market gives you information on the various opportunities available to your business as you position the business for globalization. Research and development makes you know the marketing options available to you as well. It gives you information on what to plan for as it forms a basic process for growth.

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Break Language Barriers: Invest in educating yourself and your employees about other international languages like French, Spanish or Chinese. With the current trend in trade in this 21st century, business contracts and opportunities do not only arise within the English speaking nations. Girding your loins in the language of the Arabs also gives you opportunities to trade with them.

Maximum Use of Social Media: This is an essential marketing tool for everybody especially small, medium and big enterprises. The advent of social media has left businesses with reduced costs and a large clientele base. Going global as far as social media is concerned means advertising on social media tools like Facebook or YouTube. Such platforms take your business to other regions of the world and it is an effective marketing tool. For more on social media and business read more here