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Mac-Jordan Degadjor: For The Love of Tech

Mac-Jordan Degadjor

Mac-Jordan Degadjor is a child of the new age. Totally immersed in the internet, technology, new media, social media and every other moniker by which it is known, the graduate of Management Information Systems (MIS) plans to own a business that focuses on a mobile technology platform that will change the lives of Ghanaians and Africans in general.

The young Ghanaian who is yet in his 20’s has and is putting Ghana and by association, Africa on the map amongst countries and continents to be reckoned with in the internet age. Driven by diverse passions running the gamut of entrepreneurship, innovation, and the free use of the internet on the African continent, Mac-Jordan is frequently invited to share his views and expertise at conferences and workshops, from Africa to the United States and Switzerland; at TEDx Youth Inspire, BarCamp, the 2013 Internet Freedom Fellowship program by the Office of Public Affairs at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations; and many more.

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The award-winning social and tech blogger maintains a stimulating website which he describes as “the hub for my digital life and ramblings.” His posts include an array of articles on entrepreneurship and start-ups, mobile technology, social media, entertainment and fashion, and African innovation and ideas. He is also the author of innumerable publications which have been featured in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor and Future Challenges.

Mac-Jordan served as a Technical Advisor for the Ghana Decides project;  a non-partisan project, funded by STAR Ghana, which utilized social media tools (blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc) to monitor the presidential elections in Ghana in 2012. The first of its kind innovation in Ghana, Ghana Decides worked to capture the meat of the electoral process and engage the populace in the on-going discourse.

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Mac-Jordan serves as the regional editor for- Africa on Future Challenges by the Bertelsmann Foundation in Gutersloh, Germany. He is also a writer with Global Voices Online where according to him, “he aggregates and researches on feeds from citizen media from the Sub-Saharan region”. Mac-Jordan is also a member of BloggingGhana, which organises the Bloggers Awards in Ghana and Blogcamp Ghana 2012/2013; a one-day event geared at promoting social media and blogging in Ghana.

At the Internet Freedom Fellows Panel discussion at Geneva in March 2013, Mac-Jordan shared some of his thoughts on how the Internet is contributing to development in Ghana… “Keeping the Internet free and open in Ghana means more jobs opportunities are shared through social networks and forums, the spirit of innovation and creativity is encouraged. ICT is contributing to Ghana’s socio-economic development and young entrepreneurs and developers are leveraging on the use of the Internet in producing mobile applications solving basic needs…” he stated.

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Mac-Jordan Degadjor’s website URL is The would-be Medical Doctor is riding the crest of living his passion, bringing change, and the world has taken notice.  Long may technology reign.

Jennifer Nkem-Eneanya
Jennifer Nkem-Eneanya
5 Things You Didn't Know About Jennifer in 2015: 1. Her newest collection of short stories, 'The Curious Case of the Small Pikin & Other Stories' is available on 2. She ported from Blogger to WordPress and shares her uncensored thoughts on 3. She is an aspiring Filmmaker & Talk-show Host[ess] 4. She's a mother of two, wife of one and daughter of God. 5. She plans to travel around the world in less than 80 days... Now you Know! Find me on Twitter: @jennynkem

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