Hi. I trust you are doing great.
Today, we bring to you our Interview with a fast-rising Star in Africa. He is a Life Coach, a Trainer, an Author, a highly sought-after Speaker and so much more. We introduce to you, the self-styled Multi-Billion Dollar Man, Mr Kelechi Anyalechi.
Take a chill pill and read his inspiring interview. At the end, do let us know what you think. Enjoy!
Tell us about Kelechi Anyalechi. family, ethnicity, education…
My name is Kelechi Anyalechi. I am married to the love of my life. Her name is Uloma, but I call her “Oyoyo”. I have a very handsome son by the name Kelechi. He was born November 17, 2014. In terms of ethnicity, the truth is that I prefer to see myself as a Nigerian andnot basically by any tribe. However, I am from Abia State, Nigeria.
I am a graduate of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka; where I studied Physics and Industrial Physics. I am a member of some professional bodies including Chartered Institute of Stock Brokers (CIS), Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA), Project Management Institute (PMI) and Portfolio and Debt Management Institute.
I am also a Life and Executive coach, trained and certified in the United States.
You offer training and coaching services. How did it all begin?
It is a very long story. The summary is that I was one of those who was privileged to have a career shift. I made a very wrong career choice in my secondary school days and it cost me over 15 years to get back on track. I was in sciences right from my secondary school days. By the time I graduated from the university, I was almost clueless about my career path. It became more obvious to me that studying sciences was a huge mistake.
God helped me and I was able to discover my career path. I am also very grateful to one of my mentors; Steve Harris. He gave me a very rare opportunity to learn and be tutored under him as a corporate trainer and management consultant. I also travelled to the United States; where I was trained as a life coach and got certified there.
What does it mean to be a Life Coach?
This is a very interesting question. I am always asked this question and my response is usually simple. To be a life coach is not a title, it is more like a calling. This is because of the significance of the profession. You also need to be trained properly and certified before you can become one. Many people today accord such titles to their names, but when the chips are down, they cannot deliver.
Even though you feel that you have a deep urge to help people and add value to theirlives, it does not mean you can be a life coach. A life coach is neither a counsellor, psychologist nor a therapist. Not every management consultant or motivational speaker can even be a life coach.
What is the best perk of being a Life-Coach and a Trainer?
To me, there is a joy I feel anytime I have the opportunity to facilitate a training or round off a coaching session. The fact that I am able to impact the lives of people or help organizations improve the productivity of their staff makes me very fulfilled. Money can never buy that joy. The exchange of value (money) for my services is also very rewarding.
What are the challenges you have encountered thus far?
Just like in every walk of life, there are challenges. One of the challenges is the fact that the life-coaching profession is still growing in Nigeria.
What is your inspiration? What keeps you going?
Many things inspire me. My main inspiration comes from God and what He tells me to do. With this, I am able to set goals. I always set big goals and the drive to achieve them keeps me going on a consistent basis. Whatever I am not inspired by God to do, I do not get involved, no matter how juicy it may be.
My wife also inspires me a lot as well. I made apromise to her before we got married to ensure she is always happy. The journey towards achieving it inspires and keeps me going on a daily basis.
As a certified coach, I am passionate about helping people create positive changes, see new possibilities and help them define the steps to be taken to achieve both their short term and long term goals. This inspires and drives me, even in my sleep.
What will you tell that African youth who is toying with the idea of becoming a Life Coach and a Trainer?
Being a life coach and/or a trainer is a very huge responsibility. You need to be well prepared and tutored before you can become a great one. Anybody can read to become skilled in certain professions, but not in life coaching. I have likened life coaching and training to more or less like a calling. Do not be in a hurry to desire to become one if you are not “called”. The demands are enormous.
A run-down of some of your biggest clients so far…
I have been privileged to design, lead, co-lead and facilitate corporate trainings for several government and non-governmental organizations. Some of them include Adic Insurance, Skye bank, Great Nigeria Insurance, Bi-Courtney Aviation Services, StanbicIBTC Pension Managers, Ocean and Oil Holdings, NLNG, Guinness, Guarantee Trust Bank, BLW Staff Institute and many more.
I have been privileged to coach personally both senior and junior managers, artistes, working and business professionals. At present, amongst others, I have an Executive Director on my coaching clientele.
Any mentors?
I have a number of mentors. My number one mentor is my father, Pastor Osondu Anyalechi. He is a true example of an all-round success. My other mentors are Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Pastor Dimgba Igwe of blessed memory, Fela Durotoye, Steve Harris, etc
Family is a huge part of your life. How do you maintain a healthy balance between your family and the demanding nature of your craft?
My Dad taught me a very good lesson on success many years ago. In his words: “no matter how successful you think you are on the outside front, if your home front is shaky, you are a failure.” That statement has been my guiding principle. My work takes a lot of my time and it makes me travel a lot. However, I ensure I create sufficient time to spend with my family.
Few months ago, I was very busy writing my fourth book and had many other jobs on ground for me to work on. Most of them had deadlines. I had explained to my wife earlier and she understood. However, after sometime, we had a one-on-one discussion, where she told me I was not having enough time to care for her as I had always done. She said this to me crying.
I apologized to her and tried to explain to her that I was trying to ensure we were well prepared and able to make more money in 2015. As much as she understood, she expressed her feelings. We ended the discussion peacefully, but later on I wept on my own in the toilet. I remembered the words from my Dad. I had to re-adjust immediately.
My wife is my best friend. I listen to her more than any other person.
On your status on BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), you refer to yourself as the Multi-Billion Dollar Man. Tell us about this. At what point did you come to this realization?
Laughs! When I was in the University, I was to anchor a certain talk-show. While thinking of the best way to end the talk show, I thought of saying “I am Kacy Dollar signing out”. Just as planned, I ended the talk show that day and there was a rousing ovation. That was how the name stuck. People started calling me Kacy Dollar till I graduated from the university. Some of my friends still address me as such till now. I went further by transforming it to “The Multi-Billion Dollar Man.”
I like the nickname because it is very prophetic. Even my mum calls me that sometimes because she always prophesies into my life about my greatness anytime she sees me. When I started addressing myself with that name, I had not started earning money in dollars. Today, by the grace of God I am earning a lot of money in dollars already. It will only get better.
You formed your own political party recently. Tell us about it…
Interesting! It is not a political party as such. Let me post how I declared that day.
Good Afternoon,
I am very sorry I have not been sending my regular posts. The truth is that I HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR YOU! Yes, You!!!
Watch out for them from January, 2015.
I am neither a member of PDP nor APC .
I have decided to FORM MY OWN PARTY. This time, it is not about politics, but about YOU!
No matter who becomes President of Nigeria, if you do not make CONCRETE PLANS for yourself and take CERTAIN STEPS…NOTHING FOR YOU!
The acronym for my party is AYG! AYG – ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS!
Here is my MANIFESTO for 2015!
– My MAIN VISION for 2015 is to assist individuals and organizations create positive changes, see new possibilities and help them define the steps to be taken to achieve both their short term and long term goals through TRAINING and COACHING interventions.
I’d be offering my exclusive services to:
– Organizations
– Office Units/Departments
– Churches
– Working & Business Professionals (Personal Coaching)
If you desire to achieve all your goals in 2015, my team and I will be MORE THAN READY to help you.
By the grace of God, our TRACK RECORD shows that WE CAN!
By 2015, don’t VOTE for Me! INVITE ME and/or take advantage of all our interventions.
I’m PUMPED UP and READY for 2015!
Join Our Party and Let Us Help You/ Your Organization Achieve Your Goals In 2015.
If you’d require any of our services, feel free to contact us – +234 802 879 8748 |+234 704 647 0345 or send us an email: info@lifeimprintsconsulting.com
Thanks and God Bless
Your AYG Master Coach,
Kelechi Anyalechi
That is what the party is all about. I am very passionate about helping people achieve their goals. We already organized a coaching seminar; “Achieve Your Goals” in January in Lagos, Nigeria. The impact was phenomenal. We are working towards organizing the same coaching seminar in more cities across Nigeria and outside as well.
Where do you see your Brand in another 5 years?
I see myself making more impact in Africa and around the world through coaching, training and inspirational speaking interventions. I also see myself to have written about 15 best-selling books by then. At present, I have published four best-selling books already.
How has social media assisted in propagating the work you do?
Yea it has in many ways. I write a lot of articles and post on different social media sites (Facebook, Twitter and Blackberry messenger). I got a new international job as a ghost writer. I was hired on the basis that they loved my several posts. I have also had opportunity for speaking, training and coaching through my posts as well.
The feedback I receive most times confirm the impact of social media in what I do. Even though, I am also working seriously to expand my presence on social media. The world is a global village.
Life is…
Life is what you make out of it!
Africa will rise when…
Africa will rise when Africans begin to celebrate the good works of fellow Africans and not castigate them.
What is that one thing you would like every African youth to know? Inspire a young African in a sentence
There is nothing in life that you cannot achieve. Set your goals and do ALL you can to achieve them.
Many thanks for sharing with us, Mr Kelechi.
You are welcome.
You can connect with Kelechi.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kelechianyalechi
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kelechi-ANYALECHI/340504392706295
Twitter: @kelechianyalech
Website: www.kelechianyalechi.com
BBM: 2B951C20
Email: kelechianyalechi@yahoo.com