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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Konnect Africa Mentorship Program (KAMP)

Konnect Africa Mentorship Program (KAMP)Thank you for your interest in KAMP.

KAMP stands for the Konnect Africa Mentorship Program.

KAMP is a unique Program that is focused on creating small and powerful SUPPORT groups to help individuals achieve their goals and dreams.

Through KAMP, we believe that we can raise the next generation of global leaders in business, career, governance, social enterprise, entertainment, the arts etc

This program draws on the benefits of:-

1.       Group Mentorship (senior to group mentorship) and 

2.       Peer Mentorship (peer to peer mentorship)

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about KAMP


1)   What is the focus of the Konnect Africa Mentorship Program (KAMP)?

KAMP is a unique Program that is focused on creating small and powerful SUPPORT groups to help individuals achieve their goals and dreams via Group Mentorship and Peer Mentorship.

These support groups are called KAMP Groups.

Through KAMP, we believe that we can raise the next generation of global leaders in business, career, governance, social enterprise, entertainment, the arts etc


2)   Why is KAMP run in groups?

Napoleon Hill said his best-selling book “Think and Grow Rich” that a group of brains co-ordinated and connected in a spirit of harmony, will provide more thought-energy than a single brain, just as a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery. This is the Mastermind Principle.

If you study the lives of successful people, you will find that they have either consciously or unconsciously employed this principle to their great benefit. 

Groups are powerful, especially when there is harmony. These groups will provide firm support and the required knowledge for group members to achieve their goals and dreams, while becoming leaders in their own space.


3)   Since KAMP is run in groups, how many people can form a group?

Each KAMP Mentorship Group will have 12 members – 6 males and 6 females.

The equal representation of male and female in the groups is to ensure diversity and gender equality.

Each Group will have a Group Leader and a Secretary, selected by the members of each group.

To make each group stand out, each Group will have to choose a unique Group name.


4)   How do I go about forming a KAMP Group?

You have to carefully choose your Group Members because each group is a Mastermind – a group that will work in complete harmony to achieve the definite aim of success in their lives.

You have to be careful in ensuring there is harmony because Masterminds groups like this have led to life-long friendships and different business relationships.

Don’t force anyone to enter your group. Also, don’t be forced to enter any group. It has to be voluntary and intentional.

Remember to ensure that that there are 6 males and 6 females to ensure diversity and gender equality.


5)   Will I be given a Mentor in KAMP?

Individual mentors are NOT assigned in KAMP.

Rather, the members of each group will collectively identify mentors for their group based on their needs and gaps in knowledge and skill. Then, a plan is put in place to reach out to the identified mentors with a request for mentorship. 


6)   How often does each KAMP group meet?

Each mentorship group meets twice a month – 

1) A Group Mentorship Meeting and 

2) The Peer-Mentorship meeting.


7)  How does the monthly Group Mentorship Meeting run?

In the Group Mentorship Meeting, a Group Mentor will host the entire members of the KAMP Group, sharing his/her insights and life experiences with them while answering their questions. 

Group members are encouraged to ask as many questions as they have.


8)   How does the monthly Peer Mentorship Meeting run?

In the second meeting (i.e. The Peer Mentorship Meeting), Group members take turns monthly to host other Group Members.

In this meeting, group members discuss their individual activities, goals and dreams, while seeking to learn from each other as well as provide support where necessary.

Also, lessons learned from the Group Mentorship Meeting are discussed. 


9)   Where will the monthly meetings be held?

The monthly meeting can hold anywhere that meets the requirements listed below: –

  • There must be sitting spaces for at least 13 people
  • It must a SAFE, QUIET and DECENT environment.
  • The venue must be AGREED by team members and their Group mentors (in the case of Group Mentorship meetings).

If the venue is free, that will be fantastic to reduce cost.

If there is something to eat and drink, that will be very very fantastic.

Examples of good meeting places include, but are not limited to: –

  • Group Mentor’s home or office
  • Group member’s home, office or school
  • A restaurant or eatery
  • A recreational park
  • Premises of a religious organisation
  • A hall
  • A nice and safe Garden etc

Konnect Africa Mentorship Program (KAMP)

10)   How can the KAMP Groups find / choose their mentor?

In KAMP, when it comes to finding mentors, we encourage members to identify potential mentors who:-

  • Have achieved what they seek to achieve in their life,
  • Are accessible – mentors who you have physical access to. They exist in your community. They are around you.
  • Are Interested and passionate in your development, progress and success in life, career or business.
  • Will create time to guide you and show you the way to go.


11)   What the groups need to know before they choose their Group Mentors?

Before each KAMP Group choose their Group mentors, the KAMO Group Members need to be clear about the following:- 

  • where are they in their journey of life (their careers, their businesses, their relationships etc)
  • What do they need at this time of their life?
  • What do they want to achieve?
  • What is their personal vision?
  • What are their goals in life?


12)   How can the KAMP Groups approach their chosen Mentor? 

The KAMP Groups should select one or two group members who would reach out to the identified mentors.

The KAMP Admin Office will provide a sample letter of introduction which will be sent to the Mentor (by email or by surface mail) requesting them for their mentorship services.


13)    Is KAMP a FREE Program or a PAID Program? 

KAMP is a paid mentorship program in which an annual registration fee is paid.


14)    How much is the Annual Registration Fee?

Because we want the KAMP Program to be accessible to as many people as possible, you don’t need to rob a bank to join KAMP.

All you need to pay is an annual registration fee of N5,000 or USD$12 per person, which is renewable annually.


15)    How can I pay my Annual Registration Fee?

To make for easy administration, the payment of the annual subscription is done as a Group, not as individuals.

The Group Leader or his designate collects the registration fees from group members and makes the payment.

Each group of 12 people will pay a subscription fee of N5,000 x 12 people.

The payment for your KAMP Group’s Registration fees can be made here


16)    Are the Group Mentors required to pay the annual subscription fee?

No, the Group Mentors are NOT required to pay the annual subscription fee.


17)     When I Join KAMP, am I a member for Life?

When you join KAMP, Your subscription is an annual membership which is renewable 12 months from when you joined.


What do I need to Remember?

Two things: –

1)      A group of brains co-ordinated and connected in a spirit of harmony, will provide more thought-energy than a single brain, just as a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery. 

Who are the other 11 individuals you want to connect with to generate POWER and ENERGY for LIFE-LONG SUCCESS?

Quickly send them this link to read up and sign up –

Form Your Group and Join KAMP today.


2)      Iron sharpens Iron. 

Which Iron will sharpen you? 

Which Super Achiever / Successful Person around you do you want to learn from? 

Find that Iron, Join KAMP today and start a mentoring relationship.

Yet to SIGNIFY YOUR INTEREST in KAMP? Take this link to drop your email so that we can reach you with more info subsequently. 

You can also join our Facebook Community where we discuss KAMP and share highly inspirational content.

Do you have any questions? Do you require any clarifications? Please ask in the comments below, and we will respond to you.


Arise Arizechi
Arise Arizechi
CEO of KA Publishing, Founder of Konnect Africa and Host of Breakthrough Academy

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