Thursday, February 6, 2025
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“Then Samuel took a Vial of Oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath anointed thee to be Captain over his Inheritance?”. (1 Samuel 10 vs 1). That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional Today.

STREAMS OF JOY(_) Pastor Jerry Eze CongratulationsAt the time when Saul was anointed as King of Israel, his kingship had not yet been announced in Israel. His elevation was still a secret that only Samuel knew about. Eyes were yet to see, ears were yet to hear, and minds were yet to conceive what God had in store for Saul.

Notice that after Samuel anointed Saul, he kissed Saul. In the Oriental culture, a kiss was a form of greeting and also a way to say congratulations. So, what the Prophet was doing was to congratulate Saul for his elevation as King. Saul may not have won a kingly apparel yet, but Samuel congratulated him. Saul didn’t wait for the announcement and manifestation of Saul’s kingship before saying Congratulations.

Isn’t it true that we often wait to see what people will become before we begin to congratulate them or treat them with respect? We often treat people on the basis of what they have presently, forgetting what they will have that isn’t yet manifested!

Today, glean a useful lesson from Saul’s story: Congratulate people for things that are yet to manifest. Honour people for the greatness that lies ahead of them. Even when you think someone is a “Nobody”, treat the person like “somebody”. People never forget those who treated them right in their lowest times.

Friend, there is a lot that is about to happen in your life! Multiple breakthroughs are about to show forth. Testimonies and goodnews are about to spring forth all around you; Can I be the first to say – CONGRATULATIONS! I see it through the eyes of the spirit. It will manifest in no distant time. Can you say a resounding Amen!

Pray with me, “Lord, in this season, the sound of congratulations will be heard in my home”.

Enjoy a Restful Saturday!

Follow me on Twitter @jerrystreams

Pastor Jerry Eze
Pastor Jerry Eze
He is the dynamic Founder and President of the fast-growing Streams of Joy Ministries. A seasoned Pastor and Leader, a consummate conference speaker and leadership coach. PJ is also the author and publisher of the bestselling Streams of Joy Daily Devotional. Find out more about him on

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