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Christie Alamina- The Ever Bright Nigerian Star.

Hi great people of Africa, you know it’s our custom to bring you daily healthy doses of pure inspiration. Enjoy this one, courtesy of the I Know a Nigerian Star Online Competition.
Have a pleasant weekend.

 Christie Alamina- The Ever Bright Nigerian Star

My mum, an amazing mother of two, born on the sixth of January, three years after Nigeria had gained her independence (1963). I look up to her; she is a woman that I have known to having great qualities, qualities that are rare in the women of our present generation. My mother in all endeavors has proved to be kind, loving, sweet, patient and overbearing, although like every other mother on earth, she snaps. Mrs. Christie Alamina, my mother, my hero, a Nigerian star.

My mum, along with the help of my father have put great efforts in bringing me up, a young girl from the Eastern part of Nigeria, getting ready to study Economics in Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, next year by God’s grace. You might ask; ‘why on earth would I choose my mother to be my Nigerian star’, but the question is; ‘why on earth wouldn’t I?’

Any mother who would spend countless hours interceding on behalf of her children, working selflessly to make sure her children have the best in life, even when it may seem like she cannot afford what we may need at times, still makes sure we get it. A mother who has also devoted time and energy in bringing us up in the way of God, telling her experiences both good and bad, so we may learn, teaching us to respect everybody, both young and old, as the old saying goes ‘Respect is Reciprocal’.

Teaching us to humble ourselves before everyone, because nobody is better than anybody, we are all where we are by God’s grace and love, she taught about love, confidence and self-respect and at the time, as a growing child, I needed that.

Growing up as a young child was a little bit difficult, because I was on the big side and I had all my friends tease me daily on how fat I was. In fact, they were not friends, because I knew if I really had friends, they would take me for me and not tease me because of my weight.

Each day, they had new words to call me, words that sunk deep into me, and as a result I lost all confidence, I think I was even at the verge of hating myself, all of a sudden I got so depressed, I remember asking myself questions like; ‘why me?, why am I so fat?, why does everybody hate me?’ I would cry to God for a change. My mother began to notice my attitude change, some nights I would go to bed with tears in my eyes, I would not eat anything for a whole day and I refused to mix up with my mates.

My breakthrough happened when she called me up and asked me what the matter was, and because from the go, my mother had made it so easy to communicate with her, I told her all that was bothering me. She said one thing that changed my whole perception of the whole situation, ‘If you aren’t okay with the way you are, only you have the power to change it, nobody would change the situation for you.’ Then we knelt down and said a little prayer.

From that day on, I decided whole-heartedly to work on myself, and now sixteen years of age, would not say I am so thin, but I can proudly say I am comfortable with the way I am. I can confidently speak in a gathering, I feel happy and comfortable around friends. Being a teenager, I then realized that those words my mum said to me and the grace of God is what has pulled me through and is still pulling me through.

I am sure there are young people out there who are going through inferiority complex, depression and lack of confidence, maybe this is for you, get this; if you want a change in your life, you have the power to make that change, no one else does, so go ahead and make it.

My mother and father are still alive and living in health, and each day that goes on, I still learn new things from both of them, and I, striving to be a better person than my mother is, to be the best mother and mentor for my generation and the world at large. I am trying my best as a young teenager to change my world and maybe just maybe, I would get the opportunity to be your Nigerian Star one day.

You can contact this Nigerian Star via:
Mobile Number; 08037090276

This article was written and submitted by Miss Omiebi Alamina, a sixteen-year-old teenager residing in Rivers state. A young girl from a humble background who has dreams of making it big in life and changing her world.

She has completed high school and is looking forward to studying Economics in College. She has a strong passion for writing; she has been into that for about Ten years now and believes by God’s grace someday, the world will get to read her work.

You can reach her on:
Number- 08166471771

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