Monday, March 17, 2025
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Who Are You?

Who Are You?

“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the King, behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem”. (Matthew 2 vs 1). That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional Today.

STREAMS OF JOY(_) Pastor Jerry Eze Who Are YouWhen Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Wise Men came from the East in search of him. Now, this was just a baby; His birth wasn’t even in the best of places; He didn’t even descend from the most famous of families; He didn’t belong to the royal families in Jerusalem. His parents could only afford a manger, but all the same, wise men came from the East to pay homage.

Now,these wise men weren’t just coming to see an ordinary baby; they came for a baby who was born a king. They didn’t come because they were meant to visit every baby; they came because of who Jesus was. They didn’t come because they were invited; they came because they recognised who He was. Who Jesus was, determined who He attracted and what He attracted.

Friend, can you sincerely look inwards and ask yourself who you truly are at the moment? Who are you in your family? Who are you in your career? Who are you in your walk with God?

Isn’t it amazing that we often live lives that constantly negate basic principles of Excellence, yet we expect extraordinary people and things to come to us? We seek the Wise men of this world, but we fail to become Kings!

Beloved, who you are will determine what you will attract. Who you are will define what will come to you. Who you are before men will determine how they treat you. Who you are before God will determine what you receive from Him.

Live your life in a manner that can attract the right things and the right people!

Pray with me, “Lord help me to become the person that will attract the right things and the right people in Jesus name”.

Have Fruitful Monday and a Highly Productive Week ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @jerrystreams

Pastor Jerry Eze
Pastor Jerry Eze
He is the dynamic Founder and President of the fast-growing Streams of Joy Ministries. A seasoned Pastor and Leader, a consummate conference speaker and leadership coach. PJ is also the author and publisher of the bestselling Streams of Joy Daily Devotional. Find out more about him on

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