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The African Radio Drama Association Presents ‘Rainbow City’ Episode 15

Rainbow City

Adolphus’s Idea

The Wives of Mr Chairman

Chairman’s wives have a confrontation; Sefinat and Chairman’s oldest wife Robo exchange words as Robo derides Sefinat for her impertinence at refusing to accommodate Robo’s children in their father’s house.

The third wife, Ada joins the melee and Sefinat almost gives up in despair. Robo and Ada have come to demand their respective house rent from Chairman and Sefinat agitatedly inquires as to how they expect Chairman to shoulder all these responsibilities- now we know why he pilfers monies from his union account!-

She oversteps her boundaries however when she insinuates that Ada’s son is not a legitimate son of Chairman and overheats the polity.

Adolphus’s Idea

The spineless Adolphus accosts Pa Momoh and pleads with him not to persist with his plans to meet with Mr Johnson on behalf of the tenants as decided in the previous episode. He assures him that his job as Caretaker will be in jeopardy if he embarks on this course, and proposes a contrary plan; to persuade Mr Johnson to bribe his tenants with essential commodities and food items in order to appease them and convince them to vote for him. In exchange his threats to increase the house rent/quit notice would serve no purpose and become a nullity.

Pa Momoh receives the advice excitedly and with little reservation but Adolphus is not done yet, he has two other conditions for Pa Momoh to fulfill…knowing what we do of Adolphus, can you guess what they are?

This is a production of the African Radio Drama Association

Jennifer Nkem-Eneanya
Jennifer Nkem-Eneanya
5 Things You Didn't Know About Jennifer in 2015: 1. Her newest collection of short stories, 'The Curious Case of the Small Pikin & Other Stories' is available on 2. She ported from Blogger to WordPress and shares her uncensored thoughts on 3. She is an aspiring Filmmaker & Talk-show Host[ess] 4. She's a mother of two, wife of one and daughter of God. 5. She plans to travel around the world in less than 80 days... Now you Know! Find me on Twitter: @jennynkem

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