Did you know
Did You Know: the word ‘Dinosaur’ comes from a Greek word which means ‘terrible lizard’.
The Air Force’s F-117 fighter uses aerodynamics discovered during research into how bumblebees fly.
Did You Know: Of all the books Charles Dickens wrote, his favourite was ‘David Copperfield.’
Did You Know: The only golf course on the island of Tonga has 15 holes, and there is no penalty if a monkey steals your golf ball.
Did You Know: The trucking company Elvis Presley worked at as a young man was owned by Frank Sinatra.
Did You Know: An octopus has three hearts.
Did You Know: Pineapples were first called “anana”, which is Carribean for “excellent fruit.”
Did You Know: Buttermilk does not contain any butter, but is a cultured milk product which is usually made from fat-free milk.
Did You Know: The fleshy bulbs on each side of your nose are called the alea (ay-lee) singular (ay-luh).
Did You Know: The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
Now you do. Cheers
(C) Japhet Isobor