Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Against All Odds

Against All Odds

When faced with a setback, we may choose to give up on trying; or as the wise would do, seek out the possible lessons and get to work on an alternate route to breakthrough. Life will always present obstacles, but those whom we now know as successful individuals in any field are often the ones who faced a challenge and found a way to surmount their difficulties.

When Jennifer Hudson was sent away from the 3rd season of sensational American reality series American Idol weeks before the finale, many thought she was cheated out. Small talk about racism or the unreliability of the American voting public filled the internet. She may have lost out, but her early exit made her work harder at the auditions for the movie “Dreamgirls”. When she got cast to star in a supporting role as Effie White, film critics complained that she deserved to be given the lead role. But in her supporting role, she gave such an amazing performance, she was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe award, and she won both. When Jennifer lost her mother, brother and nephew to a cruel murderer in a crime of passion, the world sympathized with her, thinking her to be one unfortunate soul. In that period, she released her music album. Some say it was out of sympathy for her loss, but the American Music Academy thought her album deserved the Grammy award for R & B Album of the year. Jennifer Hudson has successfully turned every bump in her career and every hurdle in her life’s journey to work in her favor.

Feel free to continue giving excuses as to why you won’t become better, richer or greater on all accounts. Complain about the economy, or your education or the challenges life has thrown your way. So long as you sit on your royal derrière, things will remain as ordinary as they have been. Good things have a habit of coming in series; make one great thing happen in your life, and others will soon follow. But resigning yourself to fate is certainly not the way to make a name for your self. Resolve to make it in this lifetime against all odds…

Osoro Amanufue Mosugu
Osoro Amanufue Mosugu
Osoro is a young, fun-loving personality with a finger on the ever vibrant pulse of entertainment and current events. Blessed by the Father with an undeniable gift in the way of a talent with words and people; he is presently a Banker by day, and a Legend-in-the-making by night...

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