The Forbes list shows that there are only 1,400 billionaires (in dollars) out of 6 billion people in the world.
So Pareto’s principle also known as the Management’s 80: 20 Rule is right.
Blunt but truthful, there would always be more poor people than rich people. From King Solomon to Dangote its not only in our time and in Nigeria that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Don’t complain, cross over and then get as many people you know to cross over.
The reality is…
In every generation, 80 percent of the world’s wealth is always controlled by less than 20percent of the people. And then 80 percent of the world works aimlessly just to get by (pay fees, rent, feed etc) for the 20 percent who will become wealthy. In our lives, family, organization or business, it’s always less than 20 percent of our activities that brings 80 percent of the results.
Find out the 20 percent of what you do that adds value and concentrate on it.
Don’t SWEAT the PETTY things and then PET the SWEATY things.
It’s not by efforts but by results. Be strategic! Be strategic not busy in your approach!
Do you know that a lion sleeps 18 hours in a day while a donkey works 18 hours in a day? If it’s by hard work, the donkey should be the king of the jungle.
Hexavian Laws 6 (value and not effort) states that it’s not by effort but by result. Let me explain the concepts of why this happens…//THE REST OF THIS NOTE HAS BEEN DELETED// property of the Hexavian Business Masterclass kit.